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Making photo slide show gifs using GIF Studio

Making photo slide show gifs using GIF Studio,read more


Ripples in the pond shot and created by GIF Studio

Ripples in the pond shot and created by GIF Studio


the monkey saying: "no no!" - GIF Studio

the monkey saying: “no no!” – GIF Studio


concatenate two animated gifs to one file

Concatenate Two Animated gifs into one file



Sticker over animated gif demo - GIF Studio

Sticker over animated gif demo – Click to view animation





A greeting card for Chinese style

New year greeting card Chinese version


Chinese animated GIF Greeting card 2015

Chinese animated GIF Greeting card 2015




an animated gif of the Underwater world

an animated gif of the Underwater world





On a train

On a train (GIF Studio)

Further Reading

For more info, check out the following articles: